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EDU448 Implementing Innovation in Science Education

Supports teachers in putting into practice what they learned in EDU 434 to enhance their understanding of key issues in the teaching and learning of science. Introduces and critically examines innovative teaching methods, curricula, and resources to support the teaching of science, consistent with state and national standards. Supports students in the planning and implementation of instructional units, the evaluation of specific implementations of such units in the classroom, and the assessment of what students are learning as a result of these experiences. (Meets content-pedagogy requirement for professional teaching certification).

Credits: 3
Offered: Spring
Offered Online: No terms identified
Modes: In-Person
Prerequisites: [EDU434, or by permission of instructor]
Restrictions: Pre-service teachers must take this course concurrently with their student teaching experiences; other candidates are expected to find an instructional context where they can conduct the projects included in this course
EDU 448 Implementing Innovation in Science Education course information is subject to change, please check the latest schedule.


Spring 2025 (1/21/2025 - 5/11/2025)
Open (3/20) 15%
Lechase Room 285
Monday (4:50 PM-7:30 PM)
Orlando Marrero
Eligibility Rule: Pre-requisite: Successful completion of EDU 434. Students not yet teaching must take this course concurrently with their student teaching experience; other candidates are expected to find an instructional context where they can conduct the projects included in this course.
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